Muscle Activation Technique

Muscle Activation Technique

What is Muscle Activation Technique?

Muscle Activation Technique (MAT) is a specific and unique process for evaluating an individual’s ability to develop efficient muscle contraction. MAT’s premise is that human movement and exercise are fundamental to human health and that muscle health (demonstrated by the ability to contract efficiently) is important for normal movement. Any loss of muscle contraction efficiency may be demonstrated as a loss of motion and decreased physical performance, which may lead to subjective complaints and/or the loss of physical capabilities.

Book an appointment with Ben

Office: (720) 279-8726
Cell: (949) 510-2512‬

Book Online

Ben is available for appointments:

  • Wednesday: 9:00am to 6:00pm
  • Thursday: 9:00am to 6:00pm
  • Saturday: 10:00am to 3:00pm

Ben’s Fee schedule:

  • $200 Initial Consult and Treatment, 90min
  • $175 Initial Consult and Treatment, 60min
  • $150 Follow-up, 60 min
  • $100 Follow-up, 30 min

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